Conversion Optimization

Conversion Optimization

Conversion Optimization

Among the terms that have been heard frequently lately is conversion optimization. Conversion optimization is among the requirements of the digitalized world. In this method, it is aimed to increase conversions on the website. Each website has different purposes and, depending on these, different techniques for using conversion optimization. People who do SEO work, are interested in e-commerce or aim to rise to the top in search engines benefit from the information they provide by using conversion optimization.

What is Web Analytics?

Everyone with a website wants to gain popularity and rank high. But for the website to grow, various techniques must be applied. First, the website needs to draw a roadmap for itself. Web analytics covers the work that businesses do to get better. According to this; User behavior on the site or application is evaluated. While web analytics, which includes analysis and measurement processes, examines the visitors, data such as the number of visitors, the number of returns, how long they stay, etc. are recorded. All these data are collected, reported and interpreted. According to the results, the shortcomings of the website and the method to be followed are determined.


Analytics Consulting

Examining user behavior and making the results meaningful is a gradual process. Many websites are inefficient at collecting and analyzing data. Analytics consultancy includes site inspection and measurement. The process, which includes technical issues such as tag management and data transfer, is based on various reports and interpretation of these reports.

What is Web Analytics?

Digital Marketing

CRO is the process by which website visitors become customers. Conversion optimization performs controlled A/B tests. In this way, it increases the conversion rate and makes a significant contribution to the income of websites. This optimization method is an important step to increase revenues quickly.

Data Measurement Infrastructure

Data Measurement Infrastructure

If you have a website, data measurement infrastructure is an important necessity. In this process, by collecting the data on your site, KPI and targets are documented, documents that become dimensions and metrics are prepared in accordance with your business model. The web analytics framework suitable for your business model includes the necessary implementations.



CRO is also known as conversion optimization. This process, which targets your visitors, works to achieve positive results. Analysis and test studies are important in terms of realizing business goals. If you want to make changes to your site from time to time, you should know that this situation will bring various risks. The CRO service should be used to evaluate the positive or negative effects of the changes made in advance. Performing various tests, evaluating potential effects and making changes have positive results in terms of website health and quality.

Google Tag Manager

Google Tag Manager

The scope of Google Tag Manager is very wide. The process that monitors visitor movements and examines user behavior includes many different tools. Many purposes, especially site analysis, remarketing and conversion tracking, are performed through Google Tag Manager. GTM, which can be used on the website, Android or iOS applications, was released on October 1, 2012. With GTM, you can easily manage the scripts and tags you need to add to your website. This tool, which you can use for free, is very easy to use. In addition to being able to easily check the labels, you can also examine the data. Before you can use GTM, you must install it. After the installation process, you can log into your Google account and create a Tag Manager account. Then you can start using the codes by adding them to your website.

Conversion Optimization CRO - Adgrey

As Adgrey, we stand by you with our expert team in all the methods and practices necessary to ensure that you are noticed in the digital marketing world and increase your sales potential. With an innovative approach, we offer only solutions that will suit your specific brand. With us, you can understand what you need to grow your brand more easily, and you can get positive results by taking faster action plans.

Digital Marketing